Foot Sports Injury Therapy Specialist in Lee’s Summit, MO
Recovery from sprains will occur more quickly if you seek prompt treatment and are able to control inflammation, control pain, and protect the injured part to prevent further damage. At Prime Physical Therapy, Dr. Kyo Hwang treats sports injuries within the bones, tendons, cartilage, and muscles in your feet and ankles. For more information, contact us today or book an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 1161 NE Rice Rd Lee’s Summit, MO 64086.
Table of Contents:
How do you rehab a foot injury?
What are the 4 stages of rehabilitation for sports injuries?
What is the most common foot injury in sports?
How do sports therapists treat sprains?
In spite of the fact that the methods of injury rehabilitation will vary from case to case, the general framework for recovery for each case is relatively consistent and based on the latest research findings and our professional experience.
Your ankle joint will be more stable if you strengthen the muscles supporting your lower leg, foot, and ankle. The muscles in the lower limbs need to be strong so that pain can be relieved, further injury can be prevented, and health and stability can be promoted.
The muscles that you strengthen should be stretched to restore range of motion and prevent injury. When muscles are gently stretched after strengthening exercises, muscle soreness can be reduced, and joint mobility can be improved.
Following a rehab framework and schedule is crucial if you’re injured and eager to fully recover.
In the first stage of recovery, the body begins to heal by minimizing further damage. Inflammation and pain are the body’s first reactions to injury. Recovery will occur more quickly if you are able to control inflammation, control pain, and protect the injured part to prevent further damage.
As part of your rehabilitation program, your physiotherapist will prescribe soft tissue and joint mobilization training. It is possible to slow or even reverse the healing process by stretching too far or starting activity too early. The use of specific flexibility training tailored to your injury can help you regain your range of motion, avoiding the long-term effects of decreased range of motion.
Cardiovascular endurance is important when sports injuries make it impossible for athletes to train and play for a length of time. Gentle exercises such as stationary cycling, pool exercises, or swimming may be recommended. In order to maximize recovery, it is important to perform exercises that minimize aggravation, maintain good form and technique, and strengthen local, regional, and central muscles.
Getting back into play and regaining sport-specific function is the last step in rehabilitation. As part of this phase of rehabilitation, coordination, and balance can be restored, speed and agility improved, and sport-specific skills progress from simple to more challenging.
It is possible for a sprained ankle to be very mild, causing very little discomfort, or it can be severe, affecting the ability to walk or stand. An ankle sprain occurs when the foot twists, damaging the ankle ligaments. Ankle sprains caused by ankle inversion are the most common type; they occur when the outer ligaments of the foot are stretched, resulting in injury. The inside ankle ligaments are usually more severely damaged by eversion sprains, caused by twisting the foot outward.
In sports-related injuries, ankle sprains are most common, but knee, wrist, and elbow sprains can also occur. Tennis elbow, ACL tears, and other sprains are common. It takes time for a sprained ligament to fully heal. When you begin rehabilitation early, you can quickly gain enough stability to return to play, while continuing physical therapy and following safety precautions. Protecting yourself from further injury by wearing supportive garments is also likely to be recommended.
Initially, rest, ice, compression, and elevation are recommended. It is possible to treat mild sprains at home successfully. Torn ligaments can require surgery in severe cases of sprains. Your injured joint or limb can be strengthened and stabilized through physical therapy. A brace or splint may be recommended by your doctor to immobilize the area. A specific treatment plan will be tailored to each patient depending on the severity of their sprain and their recovery will be closely monitored.
Foot sports injury treatment is available at Prime Physical Therapy. For more information, contact us today or book an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 1161 NE Rice Rd Lee’s Summit, MO 64086. We serve patients from Lee’s Summit, MO, Blue Springs, MO, Independence, MO, Raytown, MO, Lake Lotawana, MO, Greenwood, MO, Grain Valley, MO, and surrounding areas!
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