Physical Therapy for Headaches in Lee’s Summit, MO
A headache is a pain in your head or face that can often be described as throbbing, continuous, intense, or dull. If you experience headaches that occur more frequently than normal, are more severe than usual, worsen, or do not improve with suitable over-the-counter medication, you should seek a professional treatment plan to help you feel better. Dr. Kyo Hwang at Prime Physical Therapy provides more reliable headache diagnosis and treatment options. Contact us to learn more, or schedule a consultation with our physical therapists today. We are conveniently located at 1161 NE Rice Rd Lee’s Summit, MO 64086.
Table of Contents:
What are the common types of headaches?
How does physical therapy help with headaches?
Some headaches and head pain can improve with physical therapy treatment. At some point in life, most of us will deal with headaches and other pain under the eyes, in the forehead, at the top of the head, in the back of the head, at the base of the skull and behind the jaws. This pain can last for hours to days. Treatment for pain in your head depends on the root cause in this case.
The common types of non-emergent headaches are cluster headache, migraine, cervicogenic headache, tension headache and trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia. Our physical therapists are knowledgeable about finding the root cause of headache and plan the best care for each individual.
Prime Physical Therapy can help with headache like:
• Cervicogenic headache
• Musculoskeletal headache
• Stress headache
• Tension headache
• Headache from concussion
• Headache from a motor vehicle accident
For more information, contact us today or book an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 1161 NE Rice Rd Lee’s Summit, MO 64086. We serve patients from Lee’s Summit, MO, Blue Springs, MO, Independence, MO, Raytown, MO, Lake Lotawana, MO, Greenwood, MO, Grain Valley, MO, and surrounding areas!
Additional Services You May Need
▸ Physical Therapy
▸ Manual Therapy
▸ Neurological Disorders
▸ Concussion Therapy
▸ Vestibular Rehabilitation
▸ Sports Medicine
▸ Kinesiotaping
▸ Dry Needling
▸ Graston Technique
▸ Trigger Point Release
▸ Neural Mobilization
▸ Muscle Energy Technique
▸ Joint Mobilization
▸ Knee Pain
▸ Soft Tissue Mobilization
▸ Electrical Stimulation
▸ Headache/Head pain
▸ Shoulder Pain
▸ Low Back Pain
▸ Ankle/Foot Pain
▸ Dizziness
▸ Arthritis Rehabilitation
▸ Multiple Sclerosis
▸ Parkinson’s Disease